Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Monday, March 12, 2012

It bloomed!

Remember the picture of the ugly little bud I posted last week? Well it bloomed!!! We have had a ton of rain with a couple beautiful sunny days thrown in for good measure. That produced the most amazing blossoms you have ever seen. This is one of my favorite vines because it starts the winter with these ugly little pods, as they warm up the seeds pop (more like shoot) out across the field. Seriously they can shoot as far as 65 feet. It's pretty cool to listen to as well as hear.
Then there are all of these ugly little "buds".........and THEN......this

I think Wisteria is the most amazing plant ever! It is a very aggressive growing vine and if you don't keep on top of it the vine can take over fences, chimneys and trees and pull them down. Most people here hate it, I think it is amazing! It can be trained to form beautiful arches and fence lines provided it is trained and supported.
The property we live on used to be a peach orchard and has been vacant for 20+ years. Wisteria vines can grow as much as 14 feet in a year, so you can only imagine how thick the unkept vines are here. There is one big oak tree that is covered! It is not healthy for the tree but at this point removing it would kill the tree so we just enjoy it the way it is.

The wisteria starting to bloom in the oak tree at our entry

Those are wisteria vines wrapped around the oak, some of the vines are as big around as my arm, stunning!
The vines run down the fence line and in several bushes and trees in the property and I will share more pictures as more of it blooms. You can smell the heavenly fragrance of wisteria when you turn into the drive.
I LOVE spring in Texas!
Come visit us if you can, spring is just starting here and the beauty is just....well.....AMAZING!
Love and miss y'all
Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad

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