Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Friday, March 9, 2012

10 for 10

Today was our monthly 10 for 10 lunch. What is 10 for 10?
Once a month a group of us get together on or around the 10th of the month for lunch. Each of us gives $10 and then the combined money is given to someone who needs a little blessing to make their life a little easier. Typically someone in the group knows of someone who is struggling, and sometimes God leads us to that person. You know, like being in the grocery store line behind the young mother who doesn't have enough money to check out, or a friend mentioning someone they know. Anyway you get the idea.
The money is usually given anonymously with the message similar to "some women were thinking of you today, God bless you".
I have been very blessed and proud to be a part of this amazing group of women. Some months we have had as many as 14 of us at lunch, some months only 4 or 5. Today there were 5 of us and our 2 new little members Easton and Lily.

Our lunches together are always so enjoyable. A great time to visit and catch up on life, an excuse to get together, and a wonderful way to give back.

When life is really tough it is comforting to know someone out there cares and is thinking of you. A few extra bucks can make a difference, but the love and grace of total strangers can renew faith, foster hope and heal spirits.
I hope this beautiful group of women inspires you to touch someone's life with little bits of kindness. Consider starting your own 10 for 10, it has been a wonderful experience for me. Thank you Kathy for inviting me to be a part of this special group. I love all of you girls!
- Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad

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