Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How hot is it?

Y'all thought I had disappeared again didn't you? Nope!  Just had some exciting changes in the works.  More on those later. 

Remember my post a while ago about the weatherman calling our heat wave "oppressive"?  Well at the time I thought they were being a bit over dramatic.  Turns out they weren't dramatic enough!  IT IS HOT PEOPLE! 

We have practically broken every heat record in East Texas since 1903.  35+ consecutive days over 100 with 45+ days over 100 so far in the year.  We even broke a record for having a new high low.  Yes, I said high low....we had the highest low temperature of the day recorded since 1903 at 87 degrees.  Last night at 10:00 it was still 102dgrs.  Looking at the forecast there seems to be no relief coming anytime soon.  Besides the unrelenting heat, we have had very little rain.  East Texas is now something like 27 inches below our normal rainfall for the year.  Everything is burning up.  (For those of you not familiar with East Texas it is typically lush green with alot of beautiful thick wooded areas)  This weather can be expected in barren West Texas but not beautiful green East Texas.

They said on the news last night it hasn't been this dry and hot since the dust bowl in the 1930's.  Scary scary for the farmers and ranchers.  It could be REALLY scary when I get my power (A/C) and water bill.  Regardless of where you are located while reading this...you WILL hear me gasp when those bills arrive.

A friend sent me this picture and it about sums up the whole rain situation in East Texas.   

                                     "Texas Rain Gauge"

WOW! Did you hear that? WELL that was ME panicking!  No I didn't get my power bill yet, the power went out, OUT I tell you!!   
No power = No Air Conditioning   
As they say in Texas ~~ "Lord have mercy I liked ta died"   (say that with a twang and it sounds A LOT more dramatic)  ;-)  Thankfully, it came back on within a couple minutes, hallelujah!

Where ever you are I hope you are enjoying cool breezes and afternoon showers. Leave me a comment and tell me what the weather is like at your house so if this heat doesn't let up soon I will know where I will be vacationing until October.  ;-)

Note to self:  There is something to be thankful for everyday.    Today I will be thankful for family and friends that love me  {{hugs}} to them all

"No Rain...No Rainbows"

1 comment:

  1. well, i can report that it is equally as hot at my house as it is at your house! ;-)

    i'm making sure jeff is out keeping all those power plants stocked with all the stuff they need to keep our power on! but expect those dreaded "rolling power outages" soon!

    just wake me up when september ends! haha!

