Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Hope Cemetery

I wanted to share some photos of one of the hundreds (if not thousands) of little cemetery's across East Texas. So much history. AND YES I do plan on visiting all of them so you might as well get used to it....Shaun has, or at least I think he has, I will get back to you on that.
This little cemetery is just down the road from our house. It is called The New Hope Cemetery. I love that name....New Hope...what a fitting name for your final resting place. There is a small cemetery south of here called Lost Hope...I think I would rather be buried in/with New Hope than Lost Hope.....you?
Here is the historical marker. Sorry about the quality of the photo, I took it off of the cemetery index website. I wanted to take my own but there was this guy in a truck blocking it and I am not sure if he was sleeping or waiting to be a resident.....whoops sorry that was tacky...anyway I didn't want to bother him, OK actually he kind of creeped me out so I decided I could make due. Isn't that weird I can spend all kinds of time wandering and taking pictures in a cemetery and it doesn't phase me, but some guy snoring in a truck creeps me out......go figure..... Anyway

This is one of the few cemetery's that have both a confederate and a union soldier buried in it. How's that for NEW HOPE? Let me tell you, in Texas and the southern states that is a HUGE deal.
The new and the old, all standing in tribute to a loved one.

It amazes me what the elements do to stone

These are called cairns. Cairn is a scottish term/word when translated means, pile of stones. These are grave markers and most are the full size of the burial plot. The small stones sticking out of the ground are very old grave markers with no date or identifying marks. They are typically someone who had no family or did not have the means to have a headstone.

These are smaller cairns. See the little bunny in the rocks? Sweet sentiment from a family member I assume.

One of my favorite things about this cemetery is the meeting area. It is a metal roof pavilion that has the old choir seats from the New Hope Baptist church. Six rows of seats on either end of the pavilion all facing into the center, where I assume the preacher or funeral director stands.

A very peaceful place to hold services, say goodbye or pay your respects all while being protected from the Texas weather. What a nice peaceful place.

Hope all is well with everyone, we are having fabulous weather and our grass is growing fast. I can't wait until all of that red dirt is covered with lush green grass!
Love and miss all of you

Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad

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