Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hello again! Sorry it has been a while. I had forgotten how technology challenged (how's that for politically correct) northwest Colorado is. No 3G No cell service..most of the time.. Seriously?? It is almost 2012, get up to speed people! What if the world ends in 2012 And you have never experienced high speed or worse yet NO speed!! Geeez....

We left Arizona and enjoyed a very long scenic drive to Utah. Okay, we made a wrong turn and it took us a few hours longer then it should have but it was a very pretty drive. I personally never thought I would be relieved to see this sign

We had a great time visiting as much family as we could in the short time we were there. We got to spend some time with Shaun's mom Pat. For those of you who have stayed in touch and kept her in your prayers during her battle with cancer and the horrors of chemo, THANK YOU! She looks and is doing great! Her hair has grown back and the short hair cut she has is just cute.
We also got to spend some time with Shaun's nephew Jesse. He is so cute! He got to swim in the pool at the hotel. Shaun pulled him around the pool with the life preserver and he was thrilled! I think Jesse liked it too ;-) ha!

Colleen had a family dinner for us while we were there. It was great to have everyone in one place. We got to see and visit with everyone and hug and love on the kiddos. Thanks Colleen, you are the best! Miranda...I need the salad dressing recipe..awesome!

I missed seeing my niece Danni, the timing just didn't work. Next time for sure.
After leaving the SLC valley we stopped and saw my sister Beve and niece Carrie for a few minutes. It has been so great to see everyone.

The next leg of our visit will be Colorado. Fall color pictures coming soon.

We talked to the boys and East Texas received some measurable rain! Woohoo!!

Love y'all

- Posted using BlogPress from Jeanne's iPad

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