Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Give A Girl A Camera

Hi y'all

In March I got to spend a little time at The Tyler Azalea Trials with one of my favorite little people and her mom.  Let's be honest,  back yards full of flowers can be pretty boring when you are 4, so I carry an old digital point and shoot camera in my bag.   When I realized Miss J wasn't really "in to" having her picture taken in the flowers, I gave her the camera and showed her how to use it. 
What happened next was AMAZING!  She SAW the world!  She SAW every flower through that viewfinder!  With that camera in her hand, what could have been a boring walk for her through the flowers was an adventure.  She went from flower to flower and would excitedly say "look at this one"  "oh! look at this one" .  

When I have a camera in hand that is how I see and feel about the world but I never expected this excitement from a young child.  It was so exciting to watch, and a reminder that photography is not just taking pictures, it is SEEING the world one frame at a time. Really focusing on our surroundings.    My heart melted when we drove by a home with some of the most amazing tulips and Miss J said    "stop! I need to take a picture!" 

Here she is getting down to get a good shot of the squirrel crossing the sidewalk in front of her.  Does it get any cuter??

Some of her family thinks there is a slight possibility she has watched Miss Jeanne too much.  I was SO proud of her, such a smart girl  *wink*

While we were "shooting" the tulips she asked if she could use my camera.  After reassuring her mom it was OK and taking a deep breath I handed it over. She was very careful and DELIGHTED when she took the picture and it appeared on the screen on the back.   Look closely....she even has my wrist strap around her arm.   I ask you again...does it get any cuter?
 I came away from the day with a great photograph of her sweet face and those amazing tulips, (snapped while she wasn't looking) and an appreciation for that tiny piece of glass known as the viewfinder. 
A wonderful reminder to not just look at the beautiful world God has given us, but to SEE it! 

Give a girl a camera.....she will see the world
Love y'all
I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hold the door

I do believe all children and most adults should be taught and reminded of these lessons daily.
The world would be a better place....
Thank you Kim Bongiorno at letmestartbysayingblog.com

Thursday, April 11, 2013

...hello blog

Helloooo Blog!!
I have missed you!
In January I officially said goodbye to this blog.  I had decided that life needed to be simplified so something had to go.  The blog got the axe!   I was posting on this blog and then my business blog and since I am obsessed with pictures it felt like I was sharing all of the same info and pics twice.... crazy!    SO I will post family updates and misc stuff  here and include links to more pictures on Brick Road Photo. The majority of my photography will be posted on Brick Road Photo.  Hopefully this will help me stay a little more focused (photo pun intended) 

If you would like to see who or what I am "shooting" this week click on over to my photo blog. This month I am sharing my new obsession, street photography. There are some pretty interesting and unique people out there!    www.brickroadphoto.blogspot.com 

Here is a quick recap of our year so far.

We had a great Christmas with Robert and Jeremy and SNOW!

On Valentines day Jessica and I spent the day exploring Nacogdoches.  It is the oldest town in Texas and full of wonderful old businesses and historical places including an amazing old cemetery.   I will share more on this trip later since I have TONS of pics (imagine that) *wink*
Also in February NIK was born.  He and I are having a lot of fun adventures and are in the process of writing a digital children's book.  Be sure to check him out.  He WILL make you smile   http://brickroadphoto.blogspot.com/2013/02/meet-nik.html
Spring started to arrive late February.  The daffodils were amazing this year and we got to share them with Colleen and Roger! It was so great to get to spend some time sharing the beautiful area we live in with them.  We are so blessed to have such an amazing family.  
 And of course NO spring is complete without a trip through the azalea trail in Tyler. Stunning!
March took us to New Orleans.  It was amazing! More pictures and a post specific to "Nawlins" will follow. So much to see and share.
We had a very nice Easter.  We got to spend it with Robert, Christina and her two little ones.  The kids are Alexis(8) and AJ (3).  It was so much fun to have little ones in the house for Easter.  The little guy, AJ,  wasn't feeling well and slept most of the day so no pics of him yet.   Maybe next time.
So that is our Texas life in a nutshell (or blogpost)
Love and miss all of you

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Good Bye Blog

Hi all!
I have made a HUGE decision. O.K. it is not THAT huge but it is important.
This will be my last blogpost on it's a simple little blog.
By January 30 it's a simple little blog will be getting the axe. That was kind of brutal wasn't it? I am not dissappearing completely, just simplifying life a bit.
I will still be posting on my Brick Road Photo blog. It is my hope that if I only have one blog I might actually post on it. Hey, a girl can dream....
Currently I manage two webpages, an online photo gallery, Etsy shop and three facebook pages. Since these are all connected to our businesses I decided axing one of them was probably not the best idea. SO the personal blog get's it!!

I have come to realize that I live through pictures. I feel like every FB post, blogpost, and email I write is naked without a picture. SO the Brick Road Photo Blog seems like the perfect place to share what I need to share.
To those of you that have been sweet enough to read my blog, THANK YOU! You have helped me justify all of the time I have spent talking to myself. *wink*
I do hope you follow me over to www.brickroadphoto.blogspot.com
you can also link to the blog through my website www.brickroadphoto.com
OR see my photo galleries at www.brickroadphoto.smugmug.com
Wow! I am starting to see a pattern here.....
Love to all of you....see you on the other side blog
HA! You thought I was going to forget a picture of some kind didn't you?

Good bye - love y'all

Friday, January 11, 2013


Happy New Year!
I am not a resolution maker, so I will spare you that "canned" blog post today. I do however try to think about and implement the steps that I can take to improve myself and my little corner of the world.
Confuscious said "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
Here are a few of the steps I plan on taking in 2013

I will strive to see the beauty in all things

I will cherish and preserve the past

I will make an effort to take better care of myself

I will remember and practice these two little words

I will pray more

I will play more

I will live each step

I wish each of you a wonderful 2013. Full of love and friendship. Remember to take it one step at a time. Cherish the moment
Love and miss y'all