Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where to begin ???

ALRIGHT! I get it I am a rotten blogger.  I started this thing about 6 months ago.  One night I looked at my posts and realized they were pretty dark and depressing. Lets face it life was pretty dark then...(or so I thought).

SOOOO I erased all of them and decided to start fresh! I am going to give you a tiny recap of some of what has happened over the last 6 months because it has and always will effect me and my family and this blog.

In March my MIL Pat was diagnosed with cancer. She endured and survived (barely) the chemo treatments, hair loss, exhaustion and mental anguish that goes with this cruel disease. I will elaborate on lessons learned in other blogs to come.  I just thank GOD she is still with us and we have such a strong family.

In May my brothers wife Stacey was diagnosed with breast cancer at 40. She has had the lumpectomy and will begin radiation treatments soon.  More updates and info to come.

On average our life is ultra boring with a few adventures thrown in to keep it interesting. I am excited to have a place to share thoughts and ideas....even if no one is reading this but me.  Weird isn't it, that I am willing to ramble on about life with no one listening. I am sure DH Shaun is thrilled my rambling is being done elsewhere... and lets face it...Facebook is the devil! (ha ha LOVE the movie Waterboy)

Thanks for visiting and remember "normal" is a state of  mind and "sarcasm" is one of my favorite tools. 

Read on!  or should I say Blog on!  

"No Rain...No Rainbows"

This "Forgotten Treasure" is in Sulpher Springs, TX.  It resembles my blog...
neglected and run down.  But as they say in Texas "I'm fixin' to fix that!"

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