Why I am here

This blog was started to connect with and keep family and friends up to date on life in Texas as I know it. A place to share my love for this area through photography, history, and stories of this adventure Shaun and I call life.... and what an adventure it is!
Warning: Some or all of this blog may contain nuts or stories of nuts, proceed with caution
Love to y'all

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is it a sign?

Oppressive...that is how the National Weather Service describes the heat wave that East Texas and many other areas are experiencing. 
We are currently experiencing our 28th day of temperatures above 100 degrees.  Ugh..  Our area has, on average, 4 to 6 days of 100+ degree temps a year. So you can only imagine the complaining going on here.

One of my favorite parts of living in the Bible belt is getting to see the numerous beautiful church's and also what they post on their church marquees.
Let me tell ya this weather has produced a couple gems!
There is one church in particular here that I anxiously await their sign messages because it always makes me grin or at the very least think.  Their last weeks message said:
"SATAN called....he wants his weather back" 
Now that is just funny and should give you a good idea of just how hot it has been here!

A few others I have seen around:

 Not sure he is kidding here....just saying


I love anyone with a good sense of humor. Someone who, when all around are complaining about things that they cannot control, can bring a smile to the face of all of us passing by. 
It makes me wonder what fall and winter will bring this year.  Quite possibly more complaining about more weather and other things we cannot change or control....  and I hope more great church sign messages.

I assumme this is all a reminder to enjoy the weather God has given us and try to find some good in every day.  We only get to live this particular day, hour, minute and second once.  Stop complaining and live it!  I know I know! Easier said than done when you are stuck to the seat of your car in 104 dgr temps, but we should all be reminded that a little sense of humor and a lot of thankfullness goes a long way.

No complaints here.....primarily because I am thankful my A/C is on "freeze"!!!  ;-)

Think COOL thoughts

"No Rain...No Rainbows"

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