Shaun's mom, Pat, is here visiting from Utah so we have gotten to spend a little time showing her our favorite places. The first day she was here we did a little junkin'. East Texas just happens to be full of junk, junque, antiques, estate items stores, whatever you want to call them we found a few really fun places to go and look for treasures. The weather has been amazing here so it was a great day out.
Yesterday we went to Shreveport, Louisiana and spent our day on the Louisiana Boardwalk and of course we HAD to show her the riverboat casinos.
The red river and one of the riverboat casinos is behind us.
Love this picture.....
Look closely, it looks like a little bird is on Pats shoulder. Cute!
Check out the white feet! It's obvious I mow the lawn in my tennis shoes! Ha! I need to do something about that for sure....maybe I can call it a golfing tan???
Just over that wall on the rocks below we had company.......
It's a cottonmouth aka water moccasin. YES it is poisonous and YES I am thankful for the zoom on the camera, and of course the big concrete wall separating us from him.
It was a fun day.
Shaun has left for a fishing tournament for the next three days so we plan on filling our days with shop shop and more shop! Today we are off to Tyler to get stain for our new pergola and wander aimlessly through a few stores. Tomorrow is Canton First Monday trade days. Yippee! It will be crazy crazy, but a fun day full of junkin'. They are expecting 9000+ vendors. Fried Snickers here we come!!!!!
I am pretty sure Sunday will be a recovery day. Shaun should be home later in the afternoon Sunday. Hope he has a good time and catches the big one!
More to follow
Love and miss y'all
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